Dies sind Auszüge aus Artikeln, hauptsächlich Besprechungen der Platte 'Bracelli', aus einer Presse Information der Plattenfirma.
Für Hinweise auf die vollständigen Texte sind wir dankbar.
These are just extracts of articles, obviously mainly album reviews of 'Bracelli', taken from a press information provided by the record company.
We would be glad if someone could provide us with the complete articles.

Moondog is, no doubt, one of the most exciting contemporary composers ... M.'s music is seductively beautiful, direct and, oh yes - haunting.

Svenska Dagbladet (Stockholm), Oktober 1987

... Louis Hardin is one of the most interesting composers of our time ... The heart of his music is within the classical music tradition, but he glances back to even older music, till to folk music, and forward into jazz and rock ...
The music is extremely beautiful and of fervent tenderness.

Bengt Eriksson, in: AV grammofonskivor, 1987